The Northern Hamster Club

(Affiliated to the National Hamster Council)

GOLCAR 20.6.98

Pat Richardson.

Judge (Syrian) - Mr T O'Connor
SH GOLDEN(13) SH CREAM(7) SH YELLOW(8) 1. Flattop Flattop P.Gill 2. Greenfield Hams A.Broadhead Flattop 3. Rother Hams Rother Hams Flattop R. Flattop Flattop D.Shaw SH CINNAMON(6) SH PATTERNED(6) SH AOC(4) 1. Flattop M.Dyson Flattop 2. Greenfield Hams L.Sinclair Flattop 3. Greenfield Hams L.Sinclair Greenfield Hams R. Greenfield Hams A.Liversidge S.Welsh SH SATIN(5) LH WHITE(4) LH CREAM(9) 1. D.Shaw Flattop Flattop 2. M.Richardson P.Gill M.Dyson 3. M.Richardson A.Broadhead P.Gill R. S.Welsh C.Rogers M.Richardson LH PATTERNED(3) LH AOC(16) LH SATIN(4) 1. Flattop Flattop P.Gill 2. L.Sinclair Greenfield Hams M.Richardson 3. L.Sinclair P.Gill Rother Hams R. - Greenfield Hams L.Sinclair JUNIOR(28) NOVICE(20) INTERMEDIATE(14) 1. A.Liversidge Greenfield Hams Rother Hams 2. M.Richardson Greenfield Hams A.Liversidge 3. M.Dyson L.Sinclair A.Liversidge R. M.Dyson Greenfield Hams Rother Hams 10-16 WEEKS(21) BREEDER(50) G.CHALLENGE(68) 1. L.Sinclair Flattop Flattop 2. M.Richardson Greenfield Hams Greenfield Hams 3. M.Richardson Rother Hams Rother Hams R. Greenfield Hams Flattop Flattop NON-STANDARD(6) PETS(23) 1. Greenfield Hams L.Sinclair 2. L.Sinclair R.Hall 3. A.Broadhead M.Gill R. M.Richardson L.Ward B.I.S. JUNIOR A.Liversidge B.O.S. JUNIOR M.Richardson B.I.S. Flattop B.O.S. Rother Hams
Judge (Dwarf) - Mr M Richardson
CHINESE(5) WINTER WHITE(12)CAMPBELL(2) 1. P.Gill L.Ward Honeywell Hams 2. P.Gill Honeywell Hams L.Sinclair 3. L.Sinclair Honeywell Hams - R. P.Gill Honeywell Hams - CAMPBELL ALB(6) JUNIOR(7) NOVICE(6) 1. D.Shaw L.Ward L.Nixon 2. Honeywell Hams L.Nixon L.Nixon 3. Honeywell Hams L.Nixon L.Sinclair R. S.Welsh L.Sinclair Greenfield Hams INTERMEDIATE(1) BREEDER(8) G.CHALLENGE(15) 1. L.Ward Honeywell Hams Honeywell Hams 2. - Honeywell Hams Honeywell Hams 3. - Honeywell Hams Honeywell Hams R. - Honeywell Hams Honeywell Hams NON-STANDARD(6) 1. L.Sinclair 2. Honeywell Hams 3. Honeywell Hams R. Honeywell Hams B.I.S. JUNIOR L.Ward B.O.S. JUNIOR L.Nixon B.I.S. L.Ward B.O.S. Honeywell Hams
More 1998 Hamster Show Results